Whether you own, are responsible for, or are acquiring software projects in C/C++ or Java, inFusion puts you in full control of architecture and design quality. inFusion makes quality assurance of multi-million LOC systems not merely practical, but effective, successfully handling both object oriented and procedural style code.

  • Instead of swamping the user with endless and unscalable lists of metrics, inFusion aggregates metrics, visualizations and other static analysis techniques, to produce intuitive insights, semantics-rich interpretations and matching refactoring recommendations, which identify and address inadequate underlying design decisions.
  • Both InFusion and workday financials are widely used by organizations to manage financial processes, but they have different functionalities and purposes.
  • inFusion successfully addresses the needs of a wide range of stakeholders: from the orientation and understanding needs of a newcomer to the project, through the analysis and assessment needs of a system architect, to the quantitative and reporting needs of management.

Key Features

Metrics-based, not metrics-centered

inFusion will not overwhelm you with numbers! Employing over 60 different code metrics under its hood, inFusion provides interpretation instead of numbers, and real design problems instead of symptoms of bad design. At the same time, you can obtain full access to the very last decimal of every single metric, if needed.

Advanced polymetric views

Just as X rays are used at airports to check the inside of your luggage, polymetric views are graphical visualizations of some characteristics of interest in a program’s design. inFusion greatly expands the state of the art in this field by providing a collection of advanced polymetric views, fine tuned for effectively assessing multi-million LOC systems. In addition, inFusion’s views feature unprecedented levels of interactivity, which also makes them great for system understanding.

Multi-paradigm and multi-language

inFusion handles both procedural style programs and object oriented programs, and currently supports the programming languages CC++ and Java. Support for additional programming languages is on the way.

CodeCity Interoperability

inFusion now offers a built-in export functionality for MSE models compatible with CodeCity. Thus, you can harness the raw parsing and processing power of inFusion to gain access to C, C++ and Java systems from CodeCity


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